Welcome to ESL 500 section L!
This blog will serve as a daily agenda for our class. You'll find each day's materials, assignments, and extra tips here. Please check back each day before class so you'll be prepared!
As we will be using Dropbox for the collection of all your class essays and other assignments, please set up a Dropbox account at dropbox.com. Create a folder called "ESL500_yourname," e.g. ESL500_Kristen. Then share that folder with me (email address kmiche6@illinois.edu). If you are uncertain how to do any of these steps, we'll figure it out on the first day of class.
Now, for something to think about before class... What is good writing? Consider what you've read, including articles, novels, research dissertations, textbooks... What makes your favorite writing good writing?
I look forward to meeting you all soon!
Today's agenda (8/28):
1. attendance
2. course description (syllabus)
3. dropbox
4. "What is good writing?" ppt
5. diagnostic explanation