APA Style Citation


1. APA Style Citation (ppt)

You will need a references list for all of your work from now until the end of the semester. How can we make this process as painless as possible? With the use of...

Citation Generators:
Citation Machine
APA Format Citation Generator

Using one of the above, create a references list for the sources in this document. Format your references list just as you would for a real paper.

2. Summary Unit, Article 1

Article 1: Television Addiction by Marie Winn

Create a reference citation for our first summary unit article. You may use Purdue OWL APA Citation Guide for help.

Consider: How do you find the main points of an article? Where can you look?

For the rest of the class time, read the above article and identity the most important points. Compare notes with a partner. We will discuss these points as a class, and on Tuesday, we will go into further depth on how to identify main ideas in an article.

If time permits, begin writing your 1-2 paragraph summary. Bring your Short Summary 1 to class on Tuesday (10/9).

3. IEF

Please fill out this Informal Early Feedback as soon as you get the chance.


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