Evaluating Sources


Today is "library day." We will talk about how to find and evaluate sources. I'll show you the University library search engines and give you important criteria for determining whether a source is valid.

1. Discuss in groups: 
-Where do you usually search for sources? Be specific.
-How do you decide whether a source is credible? In other words, what is a sign that a source is good or bad?

2. CRAAP ppt

3. Imagine you are writing a paper with a thesis that argues that babies should not be vaccinated. Evaluate these sources based on CRAAP guidelines to determine whether you would use any of them in your research paper. Be prepared to discuss your answers with your group and then with the whole class.

Source 4

4. Library Search (http://www.library.illinois.edu/)
-What are some important things to consider when searching in a database?

5. Search for your 5 sources! Use the CRAAP guidelines.

Introduction to Argumentative Writing


Today introduces our final unit, the Argumentative Essay. We will be working on this essay for the rest of the semester. First, I'll give an overview of the assignment with due dates for each draft and afterward we'll get started looking at basics (thesis, support) for the argumentative essay.

1. Overview of Argumentative Assignment

2. Introduction to Argumentative Writing (ppt)

Debatable vs. Non-Debatable thesis statements: Which is which?

1) Computers and automation improve working environments.

2) Smoking is harmful to people's health.

3) Plants produce oxygen that the world needs to sustain life.

4) Australia has some of the most venomous snakes in the world.

5) A good education is necessary for a successful and happy life.

Worksheet: Introduction to Argumentative Writing

3. Extra time: Group Sentence Correction

Peer Review


Today is our peer review of the first drafts of the Source-Synthesis Summary and Chart. Each of you will peer review at least once but possibly twice depending on time.

Afterward, we will work in groups to correct sentences with common grammar errors and poor stylistic choices.

Peer Review Form
Group Sentence Correction

Summary Writing Wrap Up and Peer Review Tips

Notes: Please take into consideration the comments I have given you on your three short summaries. I do not require that you make any changes, but consider these comments to help you in writing your final source-synthesis summary.

If you have not turned in any of the three short summaries, you currently have a "0" for that assignment. If you would like partial credit, please turn the missing work into your dropbox as soon as you can.


Today's class will continue with a discussion and practice with summary writing language and strategies. We will also discuss how to give constructive comments in peer review. We will do a peer review in the following class, next Tuesday 10/23.

1. Summary wrap-up
 Basic Tips:
-Know the author's gender
-Use authors' and contributers' last names throughout
-Cut minor details
-Cut redundant language (web reference)
Exercise 1
Complete #1-5
Exercise 2
Complete #1-5

Summary Reminder Phrases 

2. Peer Review (ppt)
Sample Source-Synthesis Summary 1
Sample Source-Synthesis Summary 2

Source-synthesis Chart and Summary

We've moved quickly through the Summary Unit and now we're looking at the final product: the Source-Synthesis Chart and Summary.

1. Synthesis Chart and Summary (ppt)

2. Practice
Using the Synthesis Chart template, practice creating a synthesis chart for the chosen celebrities. What points can you use to compare them? Try to choose points that relate to most of the people.

3. Articles Review
What points can we use to compare our three articles? How would you fill in your synthesis chart?

Discuss in groups. Afterward, we'll discuss as a class.

Note: There are no "right or wrong" answers. It is your choice how you compare these articles. What you should consider is how meaningful each of your points is. What points will help readers get a bigger picture of the situation (how TV affects society)?

4. Translating from chart to text
Compare/Contrast Language Reference

After we discuss how to write a Source-synthesis Summary, we will take time in class to work on our charts and summaries.

Due date for first drafts: Oct. 23 (we will peer review this day)
Due date for final drafts: Oct. 30

Source-Synthesis Chart
Source-Synthesis Summary

Our Possible Summary Points:
1) Age- How does TV affect certain age groups?
2) Type of TV- What kind of television is discussed? Is it positive or negative?
3) Effect on relationships- How does TV effect relationships?
4) Sources- What sources did the writers use (surveys, personal experiences, statistics, etc.)
5) Target audience- Who are the writers specifically speaking to?
6) Parental Roles- What should parents do to help their children get the most benefit/least harm out of television?

*Remember to only choose 3. Choose the ones that you think best represent the major points of these articles. Choose what you think an audience would need to best understand the problem in a broader sense.

Neutral Language


Today's focus is on how to write with neutral language--in other words, how do we write objectively in our summaries, even when the article we are summarizing is subjective?

1. Subjective and Objective Language (ppt)

2. Bias in the news
Can you spot any subjective language in this news article?

3. Reporting a subjective opinion
Although we are being objective in our writing, sometimes we have to work with subjective articles.We thus need to know how to represent those subjective opinions without sounding like we feel the same way.
Open Subjectivity in biography to practice finding and changing this language.

4. Peer Review for Neutral Language
Open both your Short Summary 1 and Short Summary 2. Switch desks with a partner. In your partner's summaries, highlight anywhere you think there is subjective/biased language. Basically, look for any language that is not neutral!

5. Summary Article 3
Our third article for summarizing is actually a sound clip with a transcript from National Public Radio (NPR). I encourage you to listen to the clip before reading the transcript. Afterward, if you need more clarification, check the transcript.
Article 3: sound clip, transcript 
NOTE: In the sound clip, please only listen to 10:35!

Points to clarify: 
What is "reality tv"?
Who is Kim Kardashian?
What does the phrase "chicken and egg" mean? (ex. "Which is the chicken and which is the egg?" "...chicken and egg scenario."

Please have this Short Summary 3 ready for class on 10/16.

Summary Format and Language


1. Summary Format and Language (ppt)

2. The Grammar of Summary Verbs

Verbs are an essential part of English. Every complete sentence is required to have a verb. Thus, because we always write in complete sentences, mastering the skill of using academic verbs is crucial for effective graduate-level writing.

In this section, we will take a closer look at some verbs common to summary writing via the Reporting Verbs Handout. You can disregard the first two pages, focusing on pages 2-4.

After we go over the handout, choose an appropriate verb to fill in the following three sentences:

Table 1 ___________ the frequency distribution of virus encounters.

Table 1____________ that 99% of all companies had at least one virus encounter during the survey period.

Table 1 ___________ that computer virus encounters are a major problem for businesses.

 Use the verbs from the examples given on page 4 to create sentences that 1) report the following information and 2) contrast the authors.

Author: Betsy Divine
Kimchee is a delightful pickeled cabbage dish common to the North and South Korean Cuisine.

Author: Jin Kim
Kimchee, a food common to Koreans, is overly spicy.

3. Mini Peer Review

Switch computers with someone new and read over their summary, looking for what we went over in the lecture. Use the Mini Peer Review Handout as a guide. Also fill in comments on their draft with the Review option in Microsoft Word with anything else you'd like to point out.

Article 2: TV is positive influence on child development
Short Summary of Article 2 due Thursday, Oct. 11.

APA Style Citation


1. APA Style Citation (ppt)

You will need a references list for all of your work from now until the end of the semester. How can we make this process as painless as possible? With the use of...

Citation Generators:
Citation Machine
APA Format Citation Generator

Using one of the above, create a references list for the sources in this document. Format your references list just as you would for a real paper.

2. Summary Unit, Article 1

Article 1: Television Addiction by Marie Winn

Create a reference citation for our first summary unit article. You may use Purdue OWL APA Citation Guide for help.

Consider: How do you find the main points of an article? Where can you look?

For the rest of the class time, read the above article and identity the most important points. Compare notes with a partner. We will discuss these points as a class, and on Tuesday, we will go into further depth on how to identify main ideas in an article.

If time permits, begin writing your 1-2 paragraph summary. Bring your Short Summary 1 to class on Tuesday (10/9).

3. IEF

Please fill out this Informal Early Feedback as soon as you get the chance.


Summary Writing


Today introduces our new Summary Unit. To start with, we'll define what summary writing is all about...

1. Summary Writing (ppt)
    -Political Cartoon 5W1H
    -Practice Summary: Want To Be More Focused?
 *In groups, decide what information you would include in a summary of this Forbes article. In other words, what are the main points of interest to a new reader?

2. Summary Unit overview

3. Reflection 2 due next Tuesday (10/9). See more about this reflection on the side link "Reflections."



Before we start paraphrasing, we'll do a quick quoting practice to see what you remember from Tuesday.

1. Quoting Practice

2. Paraphrasing (ppt)

3. Paraphrase Practice